For the 2025 Elections, Town residents will vote in one polling place:
Underhill Community Center, 5597 Cardinal Road
For further information, refer to the Voter Ward Map.
Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day. Please note that no absentee voting or registrations are allowed the Monday before an election.
Voter Registration
You must register before you can vote in the Town of Underhill. This can be done prior to the election at the Town Office (until 5:00 p.m. Friday prior to an election), or on election day at the polls. You will need one form of proof of residence (ex. WI driver's license, utility bill, telephone bill, pay stub, bank statement, etc.) with your current Underhill address. In order to register and vote, you must be 18 years of age or older on Election Day and have resided in Underhill for at least (28) consecutive days before the election.
Photo ID Requirements
For the latest information on Wisconsin's voter photo ID rules, please visit the Bring it to the Ballot website. Click here for Photo ID Requirements.
Absentee Voting
Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request to vote an absentee ballot to their municipal clerk. The elector must be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.
Voting an in-person absentee ballot
Spring Primary, February 18, 2025
Spring Election, April 1, 2025
In-person absentee voting begins on March 24th through March 28th 14th, Monday - Thursday, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Underhill Community Center (5597 Cardinal Road). The deadline for voting an absentee ballot at the Underhill Community Center is 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election, March 28, 2025.
Making an application to receive an absentee ballot by mail
You may request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the election. You may make a written application to the Town Clerk for an absentee ballot in person, by mail, by fax, by email or at Your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature.
The deadline for making an application to receive an absentee ballot by mail for the April 1, 2025, Spring Election is Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
Voter Information & Questions
For more information on elections, polling places, or voting by absentee ballot, please contact the Town Clerk at 920-855-2942.
For on-line election services visit the My Vote Wisconsin website.
April 1, 2025, Spring Election
- Sample Ballot
- Type E Notice (Absentee Voting)
- Type B Notice (Instructions to Voters)
- Type C Notice (Notice of Referendum)
- Type D Notice (Hours & Location of Polling Place)
- Public Test Notice
Voter Information
- Oconto County Election Information
- Voter Ward Map
Documents & Forms
To check the status of your absentee ballot or to check your voter history Please visit: